Tips for Online Final Exams

studying student
It is hard to believe there are only three weeks remaining in the spring semester.   Thank you for all your efforts to finish this semester strong.  We are so encouraged and delighted to learn of the many stories of our students supporting their communities in relief efforts.
As you prepare for your final exams, below are a few tips for success:
  • Check your computer ahead of the exam. Make sure it’s working, charged, and that your internet connection is available.
  • If required by your instructor:
  • Make sure you’ve turned off all distractions — TV, phone, social media, and all notifications.
  • Minimize interruptions from others in your household so you can proceed undistracted.
  • Gather all the things you will need, including pens or pencils to work out mathematical problems or to jot notes.
  • Remember the UA Academic Honor Code, which sets out academic honesty expectations and penalties.   Academic dishonesty includes using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, study aids, or computer-related information.
If you are struggling to meet these guidelines, please reach out to your instructor.  We are here to support you and your academic success.

Authored by

Media Inquiries

Zach thomas

Director of Marketing & Communications