Watch a special message from Culverhouse and Manderson leadership to all spring 2020 graduates –– and also share in some special memories from the graduating class.
Congratulations Graduates!
The Class of 2020’s time at the University of Alabama has been like no other and we celebrate each of you in this special season. We commend you for your resiliency. Wherever you go and whatever you do, we know you will make us proud and show the that Bama means business. We are proud of you and cannot wait to see where The Tide takes you!
Stories from the Class of 2020

“I’m a first generation college student so some of the best memories involve being able to show my parents around campus. My parents were able to come to the Business Honors Week ceremony and meet some of my professors. Around this time last year, Professor David Ford announced my scholarship and greeted my family at a morning banquet. I couldn’t make it to the reception later that evening but when I got to class that next Tuesday, he handed me a program from the event where he highlighted my name and laminated it for the scrapbook he knew I had been making all year. Professor Ford was one of my favorite professors because of his dedication to student success.” – Alexus Cumbie, B.S. Business Administration

“My favorite Culverhouse story pertains to my involvement in the Alabama Insurance Society. I served as the organization’s president this year, which allowed me to work closely with the group’s advisor, Dr. Bill Rabel (pictured left). Dr. Rabel’s service to his students is unmatched, and it is clear to anyone that knows him that he is extremely passionate about educating and assisting his students in seizing opportunities that arise in the Risk Management/Insurance field. Dr. Rabel has been the most influential professor during my time at the Culverhouse, and I owe a lot of my success to his guidance and counsel.” – Elizabeth Peplinski, B.S. Business Administration
“Culverhouse has given me many memories meeting new friends in my business classes, working on class projects and studying long hours.” – Alison Goss, B.S. Finance, Real Estate specialization

“I am a transfer student from Gadsden State community college. I always dreamed of being a student at the capstone and the last two years have been amazing. I learned so much about myself at UA and will never forget the memories I made here.” – Collin Stephens, B.S. Marketing
“When I got my first internship with Lockheed Martin I felt like I had finally achieved something tangible that proved all my hard work was paying off. Looking back at the my time at Alabama I grew so much as both a professional and a person. I could never have imagined entering my Freshman year I would have had the experiences I did with such amazing companies as Lockheed and PwC. I am so grateful I chose Alabama as a high school senior, I could not have had a better college experience.” – Jacqueline Hren, Bachelor’s in Accounting
Switching into Management Information Systems has been the most amazing experience of my life. I’ve never been in a program that was so dedicated to a student’s success. I’ve found mentors here, namely Jeff Lucas and Greg Bott, as well as amazing friends and peers who wanted not only to see me succeed, but help me get there as well. This program has done amazing things for me, and I want to continue to give back to it after graduation. – Rachel Cochrane, B.S. Management Information Systems

“I had the honor of serving as a Culverhouse Ambassador during my undergraduate years at UA. This was such a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity to show perspective students the very reasons I fell in love with the business school. The role made me even more passionate about Culverhouse College of Business because I felt so plugged in to my peers, professors, faculty/staff, and the alumni network. I will treasure my time as a Culverhouse Ambassador and the growth I experienced during my time in this role.” – Kelsey Jackson, B.S. Business Administration
“One of my favorite moments juniors year was sitting in the Ferguson center Starbucks after getting several calls/emails for 2nd interviews after my first interviews with companies from the career fair. It felt like my hard work was paying off!” – Haley Gilligan, AMP Graduate

“I have had many amazing professors during my time at UA. However, it will be hard to forget my marketing course with Carlos Bauer. He did a great job of not only teaching us, but teaching us how to apply concepts to our future careers. I also won’t forget that his class was my last in-person class before the pandemic ended the semester early.” – Christie Walls, B.S. Marketing

“When I began my senior year at the University of Alabama, I was very nervous about my job search coming up in the Spring. With so many students graduating in May with a Finance degree as well, I felt as though I would blend into the crowd. Culverhouse not only helped me earn my degree, but also helped me edit my resume and prepare for interviews. In October of my senior year, I began attending several events with future employers hosted by Culverhouse. After attending many events, I was given the opportunity to have lunch with one of my favorite companies so far, Vanguard Investments. Through this lunch, I created connections with recruiters that led me to receive a job offer later that month! I am thankful for the 4 years I have gotten to experience through Culverhouse and so excited to see what the future holds!” – Samantha Ennis, B.S. Finance
“One of my favorite memories from the business school was getting to participate in a Culverhouse Connections trip in the spring of my sophomore year. I had the opportunity to travel to Atlanta and see how different corporations run, including the Atlanta Braves!” – Hayley Bardos, B.S. Finance

“Although I’ve had many incredible moments throughout my four years within Culverhouse, lessons learned in my entrepreneurship classes are some of my favorites. From team brainstorm sessions on $10 start-up ideas to nerve-wracking pitches in front of potential investors and classmates, I have gained so much experience from these specialization courses. My professional career has already seen the benefit of these classes, with the “How to Pitch” lectures helping me to achieve a perfect score on my internship final presentation and landing me a full-time job after graduation. I am grateful for many of my professors here at Alabama, but I would like to offer a special thank you to Gina Westbrook-Simpson for being a role-model for female entrepreneurs, and for always pushing your students to be their best in all endeavors.” – Kailey Sonricker, B.S. Business Administration
“My favorite class at UA was Glenn Randall’s FI 421 class he was always ready to go at 8am and engaged everybody in the class. Even though you just rolled out of bed you felt his energy and that was something really cool.” – Ryan Shockley, B.S. Finance

“All of my professors and advisors have challenged me and supported me in all of my endeavors in and outside of the classroom and on campus. Dr. Strickland is one of those professors that invests in you the second you step in his class. He worked for years in business with my grandfather, so I have a special connection to him and now understand why he is a true legend in Culverhouse!” – Annie Hughes, B.S. Marketing

“During my last two years in the Culverhouse College of Business, I was in the Health Care Analytics program under the management major and I absolutely loved it. Our cohort got so close and I found one of my best friends in it. Dr. Whitman and Dr. English were great mentors to have in the major and were always super helpful with finding us internships, full-time jobs and getting us connected with heath care professions. This program truly changed my life and helped me find my true passion!” – Kennedi Bates, B.S. Business Administration, Finance and Management
“While I was a staff member, I began taking classes toward my Master’s in Marketing degree. If not for my friend and mentor Jan Jones, I would not know marketing is where I belong.

Through being both a staff member and student, I was able to develop meaningful relationships with professors like Dr. Allaway, staff including Peyton Kellum, and and many classmates who I now call friends. This Spring, I transitioned to a full-time student in order to graduate with my masters in May. This move allowed me to join an incredible team — Zach Thomas, Katie Howard, and Joey Marino.
Additionally, I found a wonderful mentor in Quoc Hoang. I would not be the person I am today without his wisdom and trust. He gave me a seat at the table, valuing my input. Case Team is one of the most impactful experiences of my life. I learned from current students and students who are now alumni what it means to push and challenge oneself. They taught me to believe in myself and find a voice within our think tank.
My Case Team story evolved even more when I had the opportunity to compete in USofC’s Big Data Healthcare Analytics competition in February. Our team pulled two all-nighters. It is hard for me to describe this experience as nothing short of amazing. We stopped thinking about our own needs and put those of our team above ourselves.
I cherish this experience where vulnerability and learning grow together. I will forever be grateful to the many people who have trusted and supported me in my three tenure year at UA.” – Margaret Mason, Master of Science in Marketing