Economic Growth and Development, Macro-Finance, Macroeconomics
Ph.D., Economics, Duke University, 2018
Selected Publications
“Market Ambiguity Attitude Restores the Risk-Return Tradeoff.” (With Mark Schneider and Jack Strauss.) Management Science. Forthcoming.
“Probability Weighting and Equity Premium Prediction: Investing with Optimism.” (With Mehran Azimi and Mark Schneider.) Financial Management. Forthcoming.
“Market Value of Rarity: A Theory of Fair Value and Evidence from Rare Baseball Cards.” (With Mark Schneider.) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. March 2024.
“Speculative and Non-speculative Equity Premia.” (With Mark Schneider and Zachary Dorobiala.) Economics Letters. March 2024.
“Labour Taxes, Market Size and Productivity Growth.” (With Domenico Ferraro and Pietro F. Peretto.) Economic Journal. August 2023.
“Implications of Tax Policy for Innovation and Aggregate Productivity Growth.” (With Domenico Ferraro and Pietro F. Peretto.) European Economic Review. November 2020.
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