

Associate Professor of Management

Department of Management

Maura Mills Headshot

Research Interests


Ph.D., Kansas State University
M.S., Kansas State University
B.A.S., Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts

Selected Publications

Grotto, A. R., & Mills, M. J. (in press). Crossing the line: The violating effects of illegitimate interruptions from work and the differential impact on work-to-family conflict by gender. Journal of Organizational Behavior. doi:10.1002/job.2689

Hong, Y., Mills, M. J., Suh, Y., & Ford, M. (in press). Unpacking work-family conflict in the marital dyad: Interaction of employee fit and partner fit. Human Relations. doi:10.1177/00187267221117800

Reina, C., Mills, M. J., & Sumpter, D. M. (in press). A mindful relating framework for understanding the trajectory of work relationships. Personnel Psychology.

Tortez, L. M., & Mills, M. J. (in press). In good company? Development and validation of the Family-Supportive Coworker Behavior Scale. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 136. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2022.103724

Thomas, C. L., Murphy, L. D., Mills, M. J., Zhang, J., Fisher, G. G., & Clancy, R. L. (in press). Employee lactation: A review and recommendations for future policy, practice, and research. Human Resource Management Review, 32(3).

Grotto, A. R., Mills, M. J., & Eatough, E. (2022). Switching gears: A self-regulatory approach and measure of nonwork role re-engagement following after-hours work intrusions. Journal of Business and Psychology, 37, 491-507. doi:10.1007/s10869-021-09754-3

Pervez, A., Lowman, G. H., & Mills, M. J. (2022). Mindfulness as facilitating expatriate development: Advancing knowledge sharing and promoting cultural adjustment abroad. Management International Review, 62, 427-447. doi:10.1007/s11575-022-00471-4

Smith, C., Matthews, R. A., & Mills, M. J., Hong, Y. H., & Sims, S. (2022). Organizational benefits of onboarding contingent workers: An anchoring model approach. Journal of Business and Psychology, 37, 525-541. doi:10.1007/s10869-021-09757-0Mills, M. J., & Fullagar, C. J. (2017). Engagement within occupational trainees: Individual difference predictors and commitment outcome. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 98, 35-45.

Mills, M. J., & Grotto, A. R. (2017). Who can have it all and how? An empirical examination of gender and work-life considerations among senior executives. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 32, 82-97.

Matthews, R. A., Mills, M. J., Trout, R., & English, L. (2014). Family-supportive supervisor behaviors, work engagement, and subjective well-being: A contextually dependent mediated process. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 19, 168-181.

Mills, M. J., Matthews, R. A., Henning, J. B., & Woo, V. A. (2014). Family-supportive organizations and supervisors: How do they influence employee outcomes and for whom? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25, 1763-1785.

Culbertson, S. S., Mills, M. J., & Fullagar, C. J. (2012). Work engagement and work-family facilitation: Making homes happier through positive affective spillover. Human Relations, 65, 1155-1177.

Mills, M. J., Culbertson, S. S., & Fullagar, C. J. (2012). Conceptualizing and measuring engagement: An analysis of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. Journal of Happiness Studies, 13, 519-545

Culbertson, S. S., Fullagar, C. J., & Mills, M. J. (2010). Feeling good and doing great: The relationship between psychological capital and well-being. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 15, 421-433.