

Department Head of Management

Associate Professor of Management, Derrell Thomas Teaching Excellence Faculty Fellow

Department of Management

Jef Naidoo

Selected Publications

Naidoo, J. S., Graves, E. M., Dulek, R. E., Hong, Y. H. The Eye As a Window to the Soul: Entering the Strategic Entrepreneurial Mind. (In Press)
Campbell, K. S., Naidoo, J. S., Campbell, S. M. (2020). Hard and Soft Sell? Understanding White papers as Content Marketing. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 63(1), 21-38 doi: 10.1109/TPC.2019.2961000
Ellinger, A. E., Naidoo, J. S., Ellinger, A., Filips, K., Herrin, G. D. (2020). Applying Blue Ocean Strategy to Hire and Assimilate Disabled Workers into Distribution Centers. Business Horizons, 63(3), 339-350.
Naidoo, J. S., Dulek, R. E. (2018) Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Business Communication: A Snapshot. International Journal of Business Communication. doi:10.1177/2329488418819139
Jackson, W. E., Marino, L. D., Naidoo, J. S., Tucker, R. (2018). Size Matters: The Impact of Loan Size on Measures of Disparate Treatment toward Minority Entrepreneurs in the Small Firm Credit Market. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 8(4).
Naidoo, J. S., Dulek, R. E. (2017). Leading by Tweeting: Are Deans Doing It? An Exploratory Analysis of Tweets by SEC Business School Deans. International Journal of Business Communication, 54(1), 31-51.
Campbell, K. S., Amare, N., Kane, E., Manning, A., Naidoo, J. S. (2017). Plain Style Writing Preferences of US Professionals. IEEE Transactions in Professional Communication (Special Issue on Plain Language), (99), 1-11.
Campbell, K. S., Naidoo, J. S. (2016). Rhetorical Moves in High-Tech Marketing White Papers. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 31(1), 94-118.
Campbell, K. S., Carmichael, P., Naidoo, J. S. (2015). Responding to Hostility: Evidence-Based Guidance for Communication During Planned Organizational Change. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 78(2).