

Professor of Economics

Bidgood Chair of Economics and Finance, Director of TIDE Lab

Economics, Finance, & Legal Studies

Cary Deck Headshot

Research Interests


Ph.D., Economics, University of Arizona, 2001
M.S., Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997
B.S., Economics, The University of Alabama, 1992

Selected Publications

“When Do Security Markets Aggregate Dispersed Information?” (With Brice Corgnet, Mark DeSantis, Kyle Hampton, and Erik O. Kimbrough.) Management Science . June 2023.

“Forecasting Skills in Experimental Markets: Illusion or Reality?” (With Brice Corgnet, Mark DeSantis and David Porter.) Management Science . July 2022.

“Designing Call Auction Institutions to Eliminate Price Bubbles: Is English Dutch the Best?” (With M. Servátka and S. Tucker.) American Economic Review: Insights. June 2020.

“Optimization Choice Architectures.” (With M. Schneider, T. Besedes, S. Sarangi, and M. Shor.) Decision Analysis. March 2019.

“An Experimental Investigation of Procurement Auctions with Asymmetric Sellers.” (With J. Aloysius, R. French, and L. Hao.) Production and Operations Management. October 2016.

“State Dependent Price Setting Rules under Implicit Thresholds: An Experiment.” (With J. LeBlanc, A. Civelli, and K. Bregu.) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. July 2016

“Reducing Choice Overload without Reducing Choices.” (With T. Besedeš, S. Sarangi, and M. Shor.) Review of Economics and Statistics. October 2015.

“The Effect of Cognitive Load on Economic Decision Making: A Survey and New Experiments.” (With S. Jahedi.) European Economic Review. August 2015.

“Consistency of Higher Order Risk Preferences.” (With H. Schlesinger.) Econometrica. September 2014.

“Sequential Pricing of Multiple Products: Leveraging Revealed Preferences of Retail Customers Online and with Auto-ID Technologies.” (With J. Aloysius, and A. Farmer.) Information Systems Research. June 2013.

“Fight or Flight? Defending Against Sequential Attacks in the Game of Siege.” (With R. Sheremeta.) Journal of Conflict Resolution. December 2012.

“Age Effects and Heuristics in Decision Making.” (With T. Besedeš, S. Sarangi, and M. Shor.) Review of Economics and Statistics. May 2012.

“Exploring Higher-Order Risk Effects.” (With H. Schlesinger.) Review of Economic Studies. October 2010.

“Tracking Customer Search to Price Discriminate.” (With B. Wilson.) Economic Inquiry. 2006.

“On the Nature of Reciprocal Motives.” (With J. Cox.) Economic Inquiry. July 2005.

“A Test of Game Theoretic and Behavioral Models of Play in Exchange and Insurance Environments.” American Economic Review. December 2001.