Adler, Susanne, Sharma, Pratyush, and Radomir, Lacramioara

Towards Open Science in PLS-SEM: Assessing the State of the Art and Future Perspectives

Journal of Business Research


Agrawal, Anup, Cooper, Tommy, Lian, Qin, and Wang, Qiming

Does Hiring M&A Advisers Matter for Private Sellers?

Quarterly Journal of Finance


An, SunAh, Anderson, Michael, and Deck, Cary

Gerrymandering in the Laboratory

Southern Economic Journal


Aginer, Deniz, Piza, Caio, Ray, Sugata, and Xu, Luqi

Trading Simulations and Real Money Outcomes

Journal of Behavioral Finance


Anginer, Deniz, Ray, Sugata, Seyhun, Nejat, and Xu, Luqi

Expensive Anomalies

Journal of Empirical Finance


Bai, Lihui, Zhang, Jie, Zhu, Xuwen, Alam, Md Morshedul, and Sun, Zhihui

A Machine Learning Ensemble Model for Predicting Pavement Conditions Using Automatic Laser Crack Measurement Data

International Journal of Pavement Engineering


Batra, Safal, Gupta, Vishal, Kumar, Vivek, and Pierce, Charles

Effects of Founder Gender and Workplace Romance Status on Recruits’ Evaluations of Early-Stage Ventures

Journal of Small Business Management


Bernstein, David, Cassidy, Alecia, and Khalifa, Ahmed

Work from Home, Electricity, and Water: Evidence from Qatar

Energy Strategy Reviews



Bish, Douglas, Bish, Ebru, and El Hajj, Hussein

Disease Bundling or Specimen Bundling? Cost- and Capacity-Efficient Strategies for Multi-disease Testing with Genetic Assays

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management


Burns, Nate, Deck, Cary, and Thomas, Charles

Experimental Analysis of Impatience in Bilateral and Multilateral Negotiations

Journal of Economic Psychology


Carlson, Catherine, White, Susan, Hudnall, Matthew, Lochman, John, and Laird, Robert

Leveraging Data Science to Advance Implementation Science: The Case of School Mental Health

Journal of School Health


Cassidy, Alecia, Meeks, Robyn and Moore, Michael

Cleaning Up the Great Lakes: Housing Market Impacts of Removing Legacy Pollutants

Journal of Public Economics


Cassidy, Traviss, Dincecco, Mark, and Troiano, Ugo Antonio

The Introduction of the Income Tax, Fiscal Capacity, and Migration: Evidence from U.S. States

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy


Chen, Yuzhou, Sealy, Chezham, Swanquist, Quinn, and Whited, Robert

Audit Partner Facial Traits, Gender, and Career Outcomes

Accounting, Organizations & Society


Cheng, Chizhe, Deck, Cary, and Kim, Wonjong

Collective Action and Intra-Group Conflict: An Experiment

Defence and Peace Economics


Cheng, Xusen, Bao, Ying, Yang, Bo, Chen, Sihua, Zho, Yiting, and Siponen, Mikko

Investigating Students’ Satisfaction with Online Collaborative Learning During the COVID-19 Period: An Expectations-Confirmation Model

Group Decision and Negotiation


Cifci, Eren, Tidwell, Alan, Clements, Sherwood, and Jauregui, Andres

Housing Performance and the Electorate

Journal of Real Estate Research


Clarkson, Joshua, Cooke, Alan, and Martin, Nathanael

Great Expectations: Argument Order Expectations Shape the Efficacy of Order Effects in Advertisements

Marketing Letters


Cook, Douglas, Chowdhry, Jaideep, and Zhang, Weiwei

Director Optimism and CEO Equity Compensation

Journal of Empirical Finance


Cook, Douglas and Zhang, Weiwei

CEO Performance Impact on Medical Leave Outcomes

Journal of Banking and Finance


deHaan, Ed, Moon, Jr., James, Shipman, Jonathan, Swanquist, Quinn, and Whited, Robert

Control Variables in Interactive Models

Journal of Financial Reporting


DeSimone, Justin and Fezzey, Tyler

Is it Also Time to Revisit Situational Specificity?

Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice


DeZoort, Todd

The Experimental Effects of a Student Whistleblower Policy on Reporting Classmate Misconduct

Issues in Accounting Education


DeZoort, Todd and Pollard, Troy

An Evaluation of Root Cause Analysis as a Prescribed Core Competency for Internal Auditors

Journal of Accounting and Public Policy


Epler, Rhett, Schrock, Wyatt, Leach, Mark, White, Kimberly, and Hochstein, Bryan

Managing Ambiguity: Salesperson Bricolage Behavior and its Organizational Determinants

Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management


Ferraro, Domenico, Ghazi, Soroush, and Peretto, Pietro

Labour Taxes, Market Size, and Productivity Growth

The Economic Journal


Ford, Michael, Wang, Yi-Ren, Matthews, Russell, and Wayne, Julie

Energy, Attentional Resources, and Work-Family Conflict over the Meso-Term:  Resource Loss Spirals Revisited

Journal of Organizational Behavior


Gannaway, Grant, Heutel, Garth and Price, Michael

Research Grants Crowding Out and Crowding In Donations to Higher Education

Education Finance and Policy


Gillette, Davidson, Lawson, James, and Stinson, Shane

Fill in the Blank? A Discussion of Prefilled Tax Returns in the U.S.

ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research


Good, Valerie, Fehl, Amy, LaBrecque, Alexander, and Voorhees, Clay

Cultivating Resilience in Organizational Frontline Employees

Journal of Service Research


Gore, Meredith, Griffin, Emily, Dilkina, Bistra, Ferber, Aaron, Griffis, Stanley, Keskin, Burcu, and Macdonald, John

Advancing Interdisciplinary Science for Disrupting Wildlife Trafficking Networks

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Gore, Meredith, Hiland, Rowan, Prell, Jonathan, Griffin, Emily, Macdonald, John, Keskin, Burcu, Ferber, Aaron, and Dilkina, Bistra

A Data Directory to Facilitate Investigations on Worldwide Wildlife Trafficking

Big Earth Data


Gori, Giuseppe Francesco, Lattarulo, Patrizia, Mariani, Marco, and Razzolini, Laura

The Expediting Effect of Monitoring on Infrastructural Works. A Regression-Discontinuity Approach with Multiple Assignment Variables

Italian Economic Journal


Gormley, Todd, Gupta, Vishal, Matsa, David, Mortal, Sandra, and Yang, Lukai

The Big Three and Board Gender Diversity:  The Effectiveness of Shareholder Voice

Journal of Financial Economics


Grotto, Angela and Mills, Maura

Crossing the Line: The Violating Effects of Illegitimate Interruptions from Work and the Differential Impact on Work-to-Family Conflict by Gender

Journal of Organizational Behavior


Gunny, Katherine and Pollard, Troy

The Role of Earnings Management via Real Activities and Accrual Management in PIPEs

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting


Hamilton, Timothy and Johnson, Erik

The Visual Amenity of Natural Views

Real Estate Economics


Hamrick, Jennifer, Schafer, Jennifer, and DeZoort, Todd

The Effect of Client Gender on Negotiations Related to a Proposed Audit Adjustment

Advances in Accounting


Harrison, Andre, Liu, Xiaochun, and Stewart, Shamar

Structural Sources of Oil Market Volatility and Correlation Dynamics

Energy Economics


Henderson, Daniel, Papadopoulos, Alecos, and Parmeter, Christopher

Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density Estimation of Fat-Tailed and Skewed Distributions

Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation


Hill, Mary and Taylor, Gary

Default Risk and Earnings Expectations: The Role of Contract Maturity

Accounting and Finance


Hwang, Iny, Kim, Youngsoo, and Lim, Michael

Optimal Ratcheting in Executive Compensation

Decision Analysis


Islam, Riffat, Jones, Steven, and Hudnall, Matthew

Transportation System Functions during Hurricane Response: A Systematic Review of Modes and Methods

Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives


Jang, Rachel, Cheung, Ho Kwan, and Ford, Michael

Healthy for Some But Not for All: The Moderating Role of BMI on the Perceived Health Climate-Insomnia Relationship

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology


Jiang, Hemin, Siponen, Mikko, Jiang, Zhenhui, and Tsohou, Aggeliki

The Impacts of Internet Monitoring on Employees’ Cyberloafing and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Longitudinal Field Quasi-Experiment

Information Systems Research


Jifri, Ali, Drnevich, Paul, Jackson, William, and Dulek, Ron

Examining the Sustainability of Contributions of Competing Core Organizational Capabilities in Response to Systemic Economic Crises



Johnston, Allen, Di Gangi, Paul, Belanger, France, Crossler, Robert, Siponen, Mikko, Warkentin, Merrill, and Singh, Tripti

Seeking Rhetorical Validity in Protection Motivation Theory Research: An Application of Rhetorical Theory

Computers & Security


Kim, Byung-Cheol

Monopolistic Screening under Mental Accounting: Applications to Loan Markets with Collateral

Review of Network Economics


Kim, Youngsoo and Xu, Yuqian

Operational Risk Management: Optimal Inspection Policy

Management Science


Landers, Myles, Esmark Jones, Carol, and Barney, Christian

The Social Influence of Employee Groups: Understanding the Impact of Employee Groups on Customer Intentions Through Intimidation

Journal of Business Research


Lee, Hee Yun, Eyer, Joshua, Luo, Yan, Jeong, Haelim, Chapman, Shaquita, and Hudnall, Matthew

The Role of Social Determinants of Health on Opioid Literacy in Rural Alabamians

Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services


Lewis, Dwight, Freeman, Nickolas, Sengul Orgut, Irem, Tyner, Thera, Tramp, Ryan, Biligowda, Niranjan, Hudnall, Matthew, Yang, Xin, English, Thomas, Whitman, Marilyn, Samsel, Steve, Cochran, James, Cambron, Barry, Rush, Danny, Seetala, Kumari, and Parton, Jason

Analytic Framework to Improve Access for a State Medicaid Agency

INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics


Lindsey-Hall, Kristina, Jaramillo, Susana, Baker, Thomas, and Bachrach, Daniel

An Examination of Frontline Employee-Customer Incidental Similarities in Service Failure and Recovery Contexts

Psychology and Marketing


Luo, Shikong and Tidwell, Alan

Hidden Financial Costs of the Opioid Crisis: Evidence from Mortgage Originations

Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics


Mahyari, Ehsan, Freeman, Nickolas, and Yavuz, Mesut

Combining Predictive and Prescriptive Techniques for Optimizing Electric Vehicle Fleet Charging

Transportation Research – Part C: Emerging Technologies


Mann, Christopher and Pecorino, Paul

The Impact of Baumol’s Disease on Government Spending, Taxation and Redistribution

Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice


Mao, Mingsong, Siponen, Mikko, and Nathan, Marco

Popperian Falsificationism in IS: Major Confusions and Harmful Influences

Communications of the Association for Information Systems


Martin, Nathanael, Van Bergen, Noah, Poehlman, Andrew, and Adaval, Rashmi

Connecting the Past and Present: How Narrative-Based Representations Affect Perceptions of Brand Heritage

Journal for the Association of Consumer Research


Masulis, Ronald and Mobbs, Shawn

Influential Independent Directors’ Reputation Incentives: Impacts on CEO Compensation Contracts and Financial Reporting

Journal of Corporate Finance


Melnykov, Volodymyr, Wang, Yang, Melnykov, Yana, Torti, Francesca, Perrotta, Domenico, and Riani, Marco

On Simulating Skewed and Cluster-Weighted Data for Studying Performance of Clustering Algorithms

Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics


Melnykov, Yana, Zhu, Xuwen, and Melnykov, Volodymyr

Transformation Matrix Mixture Modeling for Skewed Data Groups with Heavy Tails and Scatter

Advances in Data Analysis and Classification


Paret, Kyle, Rodriguez, Sebastian, Mayorga, Velotti, Lucia, and Lodree, Emmett

Agent-based Simulation of Spontaneous Volunteer Convergence to Improve Disaster Planning

Natural Hazards Review


Payne, James, Lee, Junsoo, and Darden, Skyler

The Convergence Dynamics of Per Capita International Tourist Arrivals

The International Trade Journal


Pecorino, Paul

Public Good Provision with Redistributive Taxation

Economics and Politics


Penmetsa, Praveena, Dhondia, Sakina, Poptic, Stephen, Hudnall, Matthew, Parrish, Aleen, and Nambisan, Shashi

Impacts On Traffic Citations by Advanced Driver Assistance Systems



Penmetsa, Praveena, Okafor, Sunday, Andanu, Emmanuel, Hudnall, Matthew, Ramezani, Somayeh, Holiday, Steven, and Jones, Steven

How is Automated and Self-Driving Vehicle Technology Presented in the News Media?

Technology in Society


Ringler, Christine, Sinianni, Nancy, Peck, Joann, and Gustafsson, Anders

Does Your Demonstration Tell the Whole Story? How a Process Mindset and Social Presence Impact the Effectiveness of Product Demonstrations

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science


Ross, Amanda, Mack, Elizabeth, Marcantonio, Richard, Miller-Graff, Laura, Pearson, Amber, Smith, Audrey, Bunting, Erin, and Zimmer, Andrew

A Mediation Analysis of the Linkages between Climate Variability, Water Insecurity, and Interpersonal Violence

Climate and Development


Satici, Ozgur and Dayarian, Iman

Tactical and Operational Planning of Express Intra-city Package Services



Schneider, Mark and Nunez, Manuel

A Decision Theoretic Foundation for Noise Traders and Correlated Speculation

Decision Analysis


Sengal Orgut, Irem, Freeman, Nickolas, Lewis, Dwight, and Parton, Jason

Equitable and Effective Vaccine Access Considering Vaccine Hesitancy and Capacity Constraints



Sengul Orgut, Irem and Lodree, Emmett

Equitable Distribution of Perishable Items in a Food Bank Supply Chain

Production and Operations Management


Siponen, Mikko, Ronkko, Mikko, Fufan, Liu, Haag, Steffi, and Laatikainen, Gabriella

Protection Motivation Theory in Behavioral Information Security Research: Reconsidering the Fundamentals

Communications of the Association for Information Systems


Shaikh, Faheem and Siponen, Mikko

Information Security Risk Assessments following Cybersecurity Breaches: The Mediating Role of Top Management Attention to Cybersecurity

Computers & Security


Singh, Tripti, Johnston, Allen, D’Arcy, John, and Harms, Peter

Stress in the Cybersecurity Profession: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Opportunities for Future Research

Organizational Cybersecurity Journal: Practice, Process, and People


Srivastava, Smita, Oberoi, Swati, and Gupta, Vishal

The Story and the Storyteller: Strategic Storytelling that Gets Human Attention for Entrepreneurs

Business Horizons


Tambe Ebot, Alain Claude, Siponen, Mikko, and Topalli, Volkan

Towards a Cybercontextual Transmission Model for Internet Scamming

European Journal of Information Systems


Tidwell, Alan, Lu, Yan, Lee, Junsoo, and Banerjee, Piyali

Nature of Comovements in U.S. State and MSAs  Housing Prices

Real Estate Economics


Uehara, Masatoshi, Lee, Danhyang, and Kim, Jae-Kwang

Statistical Inference with Semiparametric Nonignorable Nonresponse Models

Scandinavian Journal of Statistics


Wayne, Julie, Mills, Maura, Wang, Yi-Ren, Matthews, Russell, and Whitman, Marilyn

Who’s Remembering to Buy the Eggs? The Meaning, Measurement, and Implications of Invisible Family Load

Journal of Business and Psychology


Wu, Yi, Tidwell, Alan, and Sah, Vivek

Impact of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity on Millennial Living Preferences and Homeownership

International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis


Yao, Yuhui, Chakraborti, Subha, Yang, Xin, Parton, Jason, Lewis, Jr., Dwight, and Hudnall, Matthew

Phase I Control Chart for Individual Autocorrelated Data: Application to Prescription Opioid Monitoring

Journal of Quality Technology


Zhu, Xuwen and Zhang, Xiang

Discretized Skew-T Mixture Model for Deconvoluting Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometry Data

Statistica Neerlandica

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