

Professor of Finance

Frank Park Samford Chair of Insurance

Economics, Finance, & Legal Studies

George Zanjani headshot

Research Interests


Ph.D., Economics, University of Chicago, 2000

Selected Publications

“Economic Capital and RAROC in a Dynamic Model.” (With D. Bauer.) Journal of Banking & Finance. April 2021.

“Dynamic Capital Allocation with Irreversible Investments.” (With D. Bauer, S. Kamiya, and X. Ping.) Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. March 2019.

“What Drives Tort Reform Legislation? Economics and Politics of the State Decisions to Restrict Liability Torts.” (With Y. Deng.) Journal of Risk & Insurance. December 2018.

“Egalitarian Equivalent Capital Allocation.” (With S. Kamiya.) North American Actuarial Journal. September 2017.

“The Marginal Cost of Risk, Risk Measures, and Capital Allocation.” (With D. Bauer.) Management Science. May 2016.

“Economic Analysis of Risk and Uncertainty Induced by Health Shocks: A Review and Extension.” (With T. J. Philipson.) In Handbook of the Economics of Risk and Uncertainty, Volume 1. Elsevier. 2014.

“Financial Pricing of Insurance.” (With D. Bauer and R. D. Phillips.) In Handbook of Insurance (2nd edition). New York: Springer. 2013.

“Insurance Risk, Risk Measures, and Capital Allocation: Navigating a Copernican Shift.” (With M. R. Powers.) Annual Review of Financial Economics. November 2013.

“Catastrophe Bonds, Reinsurance, and the Optimal Collateralization of Risk Transfer.” (With D. Lakdawalla.) Journal of Risk & Insurance. June 2012.

“An Economic Approach to Capital Allocation.” Journal of Risk and Insurance. September 2010.

“Federal Financial Exposure to Catastrophic Risk.” (With J.D. Cummins and M. Suher.) In Measuring and Managing Federal Financial Risk. University of Chicago Press. 2010.

“Regulation, Capital, and the Evolution of Organizational Form in U.S. Life Insurance.” American Economic Review. June 2007.

“Insurance, Self Protection, and the Economics of Terrorism.” (With D. Lakdawalla.) Journal of Public Economics. September 2005.

“Pricing and Capital Allocation in Catastrophe Insurance.” Journal of Financial Economics. August 2002.